A review by naomilane
Can't Get Enough by Gena Showalter


Welcome to Strawberry Valley, where hotties live and love happens.
Brock is a one night only kind of guy. With a past filled with abuse and PTSD, he's not willing to get close to anyone, he does not want anyone to know about what he's done for the army or before that. Still, he's kind, loyal and funny. But when the occasion arises and he's finally able to take his revenge, he takes it, even if it means marrying someone to get it. Lyndie has had her eyes on Brock for seven months but never acted on it because she wasn't ready and also she never thought he was interested in her, seeing him with a different woman every night didn't help. Lyndie is a sweet girl, with a similar past. Her father used to abuse her and when she thought she finally had escaped him, she found herself with an abusive husband. Now a few years later, she's finally free and able to live her life like she sees fit. She's not completely comfortable yet but she's getting there. Ready to start dating again at her own pace. That is until Brock comes to her home with a proposition she can't ignore. Marry him for a while, he gets his revenge and she gets what she's always wanted but never could have, a baby.

I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand I absolutely loved it and on the other, Lyndie really tainted this experience for me. I was so excited for Brock's story after having read the other books from this series and reading the first half of this book, I was more than happy with it.
"He was like a short-haired, green-eyed version of Jason Momoa."
I loved Brock from the start. At the beginning he's a man-whore who likes to get drunk and have meaningless sex with a different woman every night. He's big, bad and sexy. Ex-military, he now works at his own company, a security firm he owns with his two best friends, Daniel and Jude. Brock may be a hardass but he actually yearns to have a normal relationship and maybe start a family but with his past and everything he's done, he thinks he's not worth it.

I loved his vulnerability with Lyndie, how sweet he was with her, he tried so hard to please her. Knowing her difficult past with her father and then her husband he was always so careful around her. But I felt like he was loosing himself with her, becoming a man he wasn't.

Lyndie is a different story. I actually really liked her at the start, sympathized with her. I mean, her father used to beat her then she got married very young and ended up with an even worst husband so of course she's still fragile and has this need to be independent and live her life like she wants to live it. She was hilarious and made me laugh out loud more than once. She was kind and brave because despite everything she became stronger and overcame a lot. But I didn't like her behavior toward Brock most of the time. She was contradictory and totally unfair. She expected things from him that were selfish of her to expect. I could understand some of her reactions because of her past but some were just purely selfish. Thank God for great friends! I loved that Gena used her two best friends, Dorothea and Ryanne, to make her see the light and the error of her ways. They didn't just agree with her and that's that. They told her what they thought and made her realize some of her own faults.

When Lyndie wasn't thinking selfishly I actually loved her relationship with Brock. The chemistry was off the charts and the romancing was so sweet and the banter between the two was priceless. And the sex was hot. YES MA'AM.
There are other things I loved about this book though. Mainly Brock but also the secondary characters like Daniel and Jude. I love those guys and their unwavering support. Same for Dorothea and Ryanne and their honest friendship.

In the end, Can't Get Enough was a great addition to this series, with a scorching hot romance and a hero willing to go to the end of the earth for the woman he loves. A heroine totally not perfect but with a gentle heart and hilarious retorts and an array of pets you don't want to miss!