A review by joaniemaloney
Known and Strange Things by Teju Cole


An essay collection worth reading again and again and again, worth visiting at different points in my life in the future, having experienced and learned more. I'd read anything Teju Cole writes. Reading his words reminds me of just how much there is to be discovered out there and the joy of gravitating towards the odds and ends, details that capture your imagination, that won't let you go. His observations are such pleasures to read. I already knew this but there is still so, so, so much that I have to read still and I'm looking forward to revisiting these essays. I knew buying a copy would be a smart decision. It shall be well-thumbed through as the years pass, I can guarantee it.

PS: also I only just found out he has an instagram and beyond the beautiful photos, some even have captions attached which are very much like teeny essays in themselves. yessss.