A review by itssarahc
Finn's Fantasy by K.C. Wells


Finn's Fantasy was beautiful. That is the first thing that you need to know when looking at this book. It tells a beautiful story about beautiful relationships. I'm not just talking about the relationship between Finn and Joel. While that relationship is the cornerstone of this book, it isn't the relationship that I found myself caring the most about.

That relationship was Joel and Carrie, his ex-wife. The easy chemistry between these two - purely platonic chemistry, the chemistry of two people who are soulmates and who love one another, even if it is not in the way a husband and wife should, is evident every time they interact. They are supportive of one another. They communicate. They are best friends who happened to be married for twenty years and happened to get divorced when Joel came out. It is a refreshing thing to see in any genre of book, even more so when dealing with this genre. Wells didn't use this as an opportunity for cliche drama between Joel and Finn. The only time it served even remotely as a hurdle was in the beginning when Finn saw them together with their children and thought that meant Joel was straight.

The entire relationship between Joel and his kids also had my heart, particularly that of Joel and his son Nate. Joel's struggle to come out to his children was one of the biggest parts of the book and I felt very satisfied in its conclusion.

But of course you're not reading a romance book for the relationships that these men have with the side characters or their families. You're wanting to know about the relationship between Joel and Finn. Its beautiful. The way these two men take the time to get to know one another, the instant attraction, the will-they-won't-they of it all? Its amazingly written. Wells takes their time in letting us get to know these characters, letting them get to know one another, and letting the tension between them build so when it finally boils over? You're happy with the results.

This book is very low angst. It has great chemistry, better side characters, sympathetic main characters, and a love story that you find yourself rooting for. I struggled to put this book down the entire time that I was reading it. Highly recommend if you want a low angst story about a man who came into himself and out to the world later in life.

Also, this is the first book of the Maine Men series and with the glimpses we got of the other men who will be in this story? I cannot wait to read more.