A review by katyanaish
The Dragon's Wing by Tate James



This one was disappointing.

It feels like somewhere between books 1 and 2, Kit got dumber. Like the sex melted her brain or something. This plot was literally driven by her being stupid repeatedly.

Also, for the top team of agents at Omega Group, these people are all fucking stupid. I'm not putting this in spoiler tags because it's speculation, not confirmed by the book, but it feels so fucking obvious and not a single brilliant "agent" has put it together yet.

Omega Group codenames them with animal names. We learned the guys' names in book 1. So, in book 1, we're told magic was drained from the world but Kit's mom had the ability to restore it in people, so if they were actually shapeshifters (unknown to themselves, because of the big spell wiping that from memory and with the magic drain they don't shift) when she heals them they are shifters again. We're told that's known by a select few, and there are several groups competing to control the power - basically, experimenting to capitalize on those shifters. That makes Kit and her mom a prize - control the entity that can restore the shifters, control the shifter. Right?

So Omega Group, with their clever animal codenames, which seem well suited to people's personalities. Kit starts healing people and woo, surprise, they turn into those animals.

This is my surprised face. Really.

None of these geniuses put together the obvious fact that Omega knows not only all about this, but has a way to determine which animal they'd be if they were restored. Or how about the sketchy fact that the head of this organization magically ended up adopting Kit at age 13.

Oh look. It's my surprised face again.

Aside from getting dumber, Kit also became a bit of a damsel. Always needing rescue. Doing what some random asshole she doesn't know says - she takes orders from N like it's ingrained in her, in a life or death situation when she has zero reason to trust him (especially since he's the one who dropped her into the life or death situation with no warning). She allows one stupid bitch to do her damned best to kill her, and doesn't make the stupid bitch pay for it. Nor does she make the stupid old bitch who did her best to kill Kit and her guys pay for it. Nope, she just lets them both walk away. Stupid, spineless, pathetic damsel.

Where is the awesome fiesty character I met in book 1? I loved her!

If she doesn't come back next book, I'm out.