A review by bookapotamus
You Can Only Yell at Me for One Thing at a Time: Rules for Couples by Patricia Marx


If you're in search of a few giggles, a gift for your valentine, or a present for newly (or even old) married couples - this book is just the one you need. It's funny and fresh - the "rules" are hysterical and the illustrations are SO FUN.

I've loved Chast's drawing style for years - growing up in a creative household who later went on to attend NYC art school - seeing her illustrations in the New Yorker was exciting and inspiring! And combined with Marx's humor and snark ... this pair knows funny!

I felt like SO MANY of these were so very relatable and I kept smacking my husband "Look at this one!" and he'd reluctantly gaze over... and then laugh just as hard as I was. We giggled at the spider advice - to be with someone who can deal with them (me!) if you're afraid of them (him!) and only walk ahead if you're checking for landmines! His legs are 3x as long as mine and he's always so sweet checking for landmines while we walk :)

I do think the advice is spot on. Wine DOES help. And thank goodness we both love the dog more than we hate each other. A sure sign we'll be together forever... or at least as long as Moose is around!

I really enjoyed reading and laughing at this one. It's definitely one I'll keep around. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go sharpen my sword to prepare to duel my husband over his snoring... in a healthy, mature way of course!