A review by lifeofaliterarynerd
Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott


[b:Pretty Fierce|30612667|Pretty Fierce|Kieran Scott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492514430s/30612667.jpg|51145215] was one of those stories where I just suspend ALL disbelief and enjoy the ride. This is a book that is pure entertainment. Pretty Fierce was a fast paced and action packed adventure with lots of humor.

Things I Liked:
There was lots of action in the story but, it never feels too heavy or bogged down. The sequences really flowed well and built to each other and it moved at a really face pace.

I thought it was fun to have a role reversal of any number of spy comedy flicks of the past 10 years. Here the guy is the clueless and inexperienced partner and the girl is the capable trained assassin, or in this case trained by assassins. To me, this book was like a really fun mashup of Killers and Agent Cody Banks - the perfect blend of the unexpected fish-out-of-water experiences with faced pacing and lots of humor and action.

I found that the alternating POVs gave nice backstory and experience from Kaia that contrasts with fish-out-of water experience of Oliver. It helped to really balance everything that was happening.

Things I Didn’t Like:
There was some “not like other girls vibes” from Oliver and Kaia both in the beginning of the story. Yes, we get Kaia is a badass with some serious training and fighting skills, but her not caring about makeup has absolutely no bearing on her character at all.

This book was so super cheesy! It didn’t make it any less enjoyable for me, only more predictable. It was so light-hearted and fun, that I didn’t really mind all of the cheesiness, but I wish it wasn't so predictable.

I felt like I still had a lot of questions at the end. I wanted to know where our characters were going moving forward, and what was going to happen next. I felt like the ending was satisfying for the conflict we were given, but there wasn’t much character growth showcased.

This was a super quick and easy read. It was like a palette cleanser, or something you could easily devour and enjoy. Pretty Fierce is fun, light-hearted, and action packed. A great spy comedy for the summer.

I received a copy of the book from Sourcebooks Fire via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.