A review by ciennasuperstar
Four Weeks, Five People by Jennifer Yu


To start off this review: I have OCD (like Clarisa), I have a mood disorder (like Ben) and I have struggled with depression (like Stella). So you can understand I went into this book with high hopes. I had hoped to see myself in these characters.

The problem in this book wasn't the writing or the plot, it was the characters. They didn't grow or change as people. I had problems with every single character, so I will go into detail about the problems I had with them.

Clarisa. I had the lowest expectations for this girl, only because of how OCD is typically portrayed in mainstream media. The cliché symptoms of OCD are: cleaning, counting, compulsively checking things, ext. Now if you don't have OCD you probably don't know what the actual major symptoms are, so I will tell you. It's anxiety. Anxiety usually based around a certain subject, much like a phobia. 2 common OCD phobias are Emetophobia and Germophobia. Another common occurrence of OCD is obsessing. Much like a hyper fixation for ADHD or a special interest for Autism, people with OCD get obsessive about something (for me it's cartoons).

Clarisa is however, the only character to actually grew as a person, so I would rate Clarisa 3/5