A review by cpcabaniss
Song of the Abyss by Makiia Lucier


"Lies were best remembered when they bore some semblance of truth."

This was my second read of this book and almost one year to the day of the first read. This, as well as the companion novel Isle of Blood and Stone are among the best of young adult fantasy.

The writing is excellent, the characters well drawn, the world building subtle yet complex. If you haven't added Makiia Lucier's books to your reading list, you really need to.

original review
*My review is based on the reading of an ARC that I received. All thoughts are my own.*

A few chapters into this, I wasn't sure if I was going to continue. The concept of it was really interesting to me, but I was finding a hard time connecting with the writing style. I decided to give it a bit more time to see if it would catch my attention and it did. I enjoyed this quite a lot.

I liked the cast of characters and the world that was developed. The magical elements were woven in smoothly and added to the story and the world. The plot was interesting without being overly complex.

At times there were things that seemed a little too easy or simplified, but even the characters would acknowledge this, which made it less annoying and more relatable. Because sometimes things are just like that.

There was some romance and while I liked this aspect overall, there were a few things that annoyed me. The jealousy felt and acted on by one of the characters was sometimes over the top to me. I could understand some of his feelings and liked that he acknowledged them, but there were some aspects of possessiveness that I did not like.

Overall I enjoyed this one a lot and will be trying other books by this author. I have not read Isle of Blood and Stone the first book in this companionship, so I'm going to get that one and see what I think.