A review by ellianamaselli
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


review for third read:

i can only hope that one day my husband is some kind of weird mutant fusion of both Wolf and Carswell Thorne.

3.5 because it's the weakest book in the series. marking my review as four stars because

1) this book has Throne, and
2) it gave me a chance to practice my sultry french accent.

review for second read:

My first time reading this, I gave it 4.5 stars. Mostly because Scarlet and Wolf are freaking adorable…

Actually, I take that back. Wolf is freaking adorable. Wolf. Just Wolf. All the time. Always.

I mean, I LOVE Scarlet, too. And Cinder. Ms. Meyer knows how to write some strong female characters.

But… WOLF.

Anyway, I’m getting off track. Where was I? Oh, yeah.

This time, I only gave the book 4 stars.

Why, you ask?

Because honestly, I enjoyed the story in Cinder more than in this one. Also, if you haven’t heard, I love Scarlet and Wolf. Like, a lot. Especially Wolf.

That said, sometimes they get too cheesy. Don’t get me wrong, I like cheese. But your girl’s somewhat lactose intolerant. So, we do our best to maintain only light dairy consumption. And when it comes to Scarlet and Wolf, sometimes we get a whole bowl of Mac & Cheese with a side of queso and cheesecake for dessert.

It’s only on occasion, though. Actually, it was just one time. It wasn’t a big deal. I just wanted to complain.

Anyway, you should read this book. If you liked the first book, you’ll love this.

Why, you ask?

Two words: Carswell. Thorne.

reviews for other books in this series

Book 1: Cinder
Book 2: Scarlet
Book 3: Cress
Book 4: Winter