A review by photogcourt
Chasing River by K.A. Tucker


I was provided a free eARC from the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

By now I am well familiar with, and a big fan, of K.A. Tucker's work. I've been really liking her Burying Water series, liking the first and loving the second. For me, Chasing River was just okay. No doubt there are going to be many people who will love this book - and that's okay. I just didn't get pulled in like I did in any of her other books. I liked River and Amber well enough, there was nothing wrong with their overall presentation, the story just didn't speak to me. I didn't think I had even hit a dent in the story yet and low and behold my Kindle informed me I was more than 50% through. That was disappointing.

I guess for me, because Amber and River hit it off so well right off the bat, it seemed like the story moved quickly. I like a big enough build, not so much that it drags on forever, but not instantly almost, either. I also didn't like that it took forever in the beginning to get to the point - there was a lot of background information. While probably vital, it made it to be a semi-boring intro. The IRA bits seemed pretty tame. I thought the danger aspects in Burying Water and Becoming Rain were a lot more realistic, and they felt real. I would actually feel my heart racing at some moments, because in those books everything felt like it was happening right in front of me. On the other hand, in Chasing River, I felt bored by the entire idea of the IRA gang/mob scene.
Plus, the entire book was mostly set in Ireland! Here we are in a gorgeous country, and all we're doing is sitting around in a pub. Or a house. Or a hospital. It just didn't do it for me.
Amber wasn't my favorite female protagonist. She wasn't that interesting to me. Again, I liked her enough, just didn't love her character. I did like River, but I didn't love him either. I may be borderline indifferent on them, and this story.

I wanted to love Chasing River, but I just didn't. Still very much looking forward to Surviving Ice - Ivy's story. Am I the only one hoping Rowen will make an appearance? Or two? or three?