A review by sam_hartwig
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor


What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is so beautifully written, I read it in about 3 sittings which could've been less but unfortunately I had to sleep and work. Laini Taylor has given a whole different take on the old fashioned feud between good and evil - Angels & demons.

Karou was such an interesting character, how can you not love someone with blue hair and able to kick anyone's butt with her mad fighting skills. She is a girl with lots of secrets, but there are also a lot of secrets going on that she doesn't know about. There's a lot of mystery shrouding Karou's birth and where she comes from. It was written really well and kept me guessing until everything was revealed.

I LOVED the backdrop of Prague - I felt like I have travelled there by the amazing way Taylor described all the different places. Anyone who has been there before may feel like they are reliving some of their moments there (sadly I've never been).

There's a bit of a cliffhanger at the end, so I have already reserved the next book at the library, The third book comes out in April next year (2014) so I won't have to wait too long to finish the trilogy - thankfully! I'm glad I finally got round to reading this because it has lived up to all my expectations, maybe even surpassed my expectations.

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