A review by shanyreader
Avengers Academy, Volume 1: Permanent Record by Christos Gage


One star for the visuals...I felt that..while of course, detailed and standard-comic-booky, it was a little awkward at times with the emotions--especially Veil. What was up with her costume too... sorry, being a little critical. It's good, but not perfect enough for me. Though I must say, Reptil was pretty hot-looking X)

One star for the characters...I didn't like half of them. I didn't know half of them either, but that's probably just me not being a good comic-book nerd. But I did like the ones I did know--Quicksilver (eternally), the Juggernaut, and Osborne. Others, like Finesse and Hazmat, just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't get the sense that they were actually normal teenagers. Some have sad back-stories, some are just...weird for unexplained reasons...but the thing I didn't get out of this was that Runaways-feel; they're normal friends sticking together...partly because they weren't really friends sometimes. It was just, not as emotionally involved within the story as I would have liked it to have been. Some relationships were just plain AWKWARD-- Veil and Lighting-dude, Finesse and Reptil...I just couldn't see it at all.

One star for plot: It's not my favorite...setting kids up to see whether they'll be supers or villains, but maybe there'll be plot-twists, and the unexpected ones become villains. Who knows, if we have the next one, I'll read it for the sake of continuing the series.