A review by bookish_brooklyn
The Secret Life of Stars: Astrophysics for Everyone by Lisa Harvey-Smith


I’ve always been utterly captivated by stars, it’s just so fascinating to me that the night sky is so endlessly expansive with an infinite vastness of stars, some that the human eye can’t even ever set their eyes on for they’re so far away! Yet, there are a lot that any one human can gaze and admire, something which I think should be appreciated in itself.
This book is just such a pleasure to read, it’s equally educational, I’m so excited to have read it and learnt about the infinite plethora of stars that occupy the night sky, learning about the genesis within them and how some have thrived all by themselves for millions upon millions of years, while some live within family like clusters together and some paired, fated to dance around one another in such close proximity for a long, long time.
Whilst I might be utterly fascinated by everything starry, unfortunately my general science knowledge is almost completely non-existent. Was I initially weary that this book might be packed to the brim with Science lingo and jargon, but I really needn’t have worried!
That’s one of the many things I appreciate about this book, it’s written in such a descriptive (yet not overly so) manner, the stars that are being written about given such bright personalities (if you’ll pardon the inevitable space pun), honestly, this book was just written so vibrantly and passionately, Lisa Harvey-Smith’s enthusiasm and love and dedication for her chosen field of work is so apparent and really carries through her writing, making it shine and making me smile! Lisa Harvey-Smith’s writing has definitely made me want to explore the stars more, as it were!
I’m really excited that this book was written, I feel like it’s everything an educational book on such a vast subject should encompass, there’s nothing forced about Lisa Harvey-Smith’s writing, it’s brimming with excitement and expansive knowledge about these bright personalities that occupy the night sky, and I’m so glad to know more about some of them having read this book! I completely recommend to all ages, it’s just a (one more space pun!) stellar resource to have!

Thank you Thames and Hudson AU for gifting me a review copy for the AusYABloggers blog tour :)