A review by gaymoonreader
Bitter of Tongue by Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare


I really loved this installment to the series. While there was not as much going on as in the previous novella, I really enjoyed this, and I ended up flying through it. I was so excited that we got to see Mark and even Kieran. While I ship Mark and Cristina in Lady Midnight, I also think Mark and Kieran are freaking cute together, and I ship them a lot as well. But back to Mark, this was years before Lady Midnight, so he has not changed quite as much as he has in Lady Midnight. He still has faith in Shadowhunters. He really believes in everyone. He is worried about his siblings. He is very much still a Shadowhunter, which was interesting to see.
I also loved seeing Simon and Izzy because they are my favorite. They are literally the cutest couple in existence, and if my smile had gotten any larger when reading this particular portion of the book, my face might have broken. It just made me so happy to see their playful banter, and it was just everything I wanted. And then the last part of the book just made me super happy, and I am not going to say anything about it because it was really cute, and I am not spoiling anything. But it was beautiful and cute and really allowed us to see Julian before he had gone so far downhill, as we come to see in Lady Midnight going into Lord of Shadows.

But overall, this was a solid installment to the series, and I am so excited to continue on with the rest of the novella series. I honestly think every novella just keeps getting better and better, and I am just flying through these. The rest of these are going to be so much fun...