A review by librarianlizreads
Dracula by Bram Stoker


Bram Stoker’s Dracula is a classic work of Horror that was raised to even greater heights of excellence by the audio book performance by Alan Cumming, Tim Curry, and their fellow cast members. Each of the readers added credibility to the story. I love each of them and felt like I was going through the experience with them.

Now let me be honest, before I started Dracula, I believed it would be an ancient work that would certainly be just as boring as the old black and white films from the 1920s. When I started the audiobook, I was immediately turned off. I could tell from the start of Harker’s journal that it was going to be pieces from different mediums and I usually cannot stand that. So I knew it was probably going to be a bad experience. I could not have been more wrong.

While reading it, I did picture the old, classic horror films in black and white as the characters moved through their lives. Yet they did not portray cheesy, almost humorous actions that lacked the caress of special effects. The characters were real, very real, and they face real dangers from a real monster. The different mediums and narrators ended up adding so much credibility to the story. I felt like I was paging through hand-written journals, typed manuscripts, and clippings from the newspapers. It felt so incredibly real, like an actual account from the people who lived it.

It excellently portrays how far-reaching Dracula’s reach is and added to the suspense and fear felt by the reader. I worried every moment that someone was in Dracula’s grasp and I cried at the pain of those affected by his actions. For me the very best of stories have characters that a reader can connect with and I truly felt like I was in the circle of friends as if they were family. All praise for this classic tale! If you like classic books, horror, or monster stories, please give it a try!