A review by farmfreshlisa
The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano


This was the second book I've read by [a:Joanna Davidson Politano|16355029|Joanna Davidson Politano|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1504840833p2/16355029.jpg] and it was delightful! The author sucks you in right from the first page and keeps you on the journey in all the twists and turns throughout the book. The first chapter begins...well at the end in a way. With a chapter of setting up a "let me tell you a story"...and then the next chapter goes back in time.

Lily's narrative is first person, while Peter's is second person. It will go back and forth between them and it worked very well done in this fashion. Lily's character is really revealed to us in onion layers a little at a time. Along the way you get breadcrumbs into the mystery of "the truth about Lily Temple".

I love how it debates the idea of fairy tales and stories being useless in reality. I loved the passage from Lily that says:
When did people come to see stories as mere fancy? As indulgence? All our flaws and questions dressed up in other people's clothing, strolling about in front of us so we may more clearly see what's true about our own selves. Truths deeper and more meaningful than mere facts, told in a way that our minds can uniquely understand. Yet we relegate stories to the fringes of our lives, those elusive 'spare hours' where we permit ourselves to indulge in the frivolous which we believe has no real practical value.

100% yes! I have had some DEEP truths revealed to me through the narrative of a book. Some inner part of me that is touched and I have to pause and reflect.

Lily's character experiences a BRILLIANT arc of faith through the book guided by Peter's influence. It was so satisfying when she had her AHA "now I see" moment. Definitely some excellent spiritual truths in here. About chasing after the wind to fill the spots God wants for Himself.

Highly recommend.
4.5 stars. But I'm giving it 4 stars because it isn't better than some of the other 5 stars I have. I didn't actually get moved to tears.

*I received this as a complimentary ARC from NetGalley and the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review and all thoughts are 100% my own!