A review by beckyrendon
Egotistical Jerk by A.K. MacBride


Yes, please Doctor!

I feel like it's probably a lot needy but this Doctor can give it all to me! All of it! Everything! Fine, I will try to put it in English.

Dr. Sebastian Ryker is hot. Super HOT. Magma at the Earth's core hot. He is also a bit...much. I volunteer as tribute to take it all. Seriously, just bump Merida (I mean the sweet likeable and utter doll known as Mia) and I will be sure to take the good Doctor off your hands. (Starts stomping and throwing hands up) FINE. She can have him. (Lots of disgruntled grunting)

Just know Sebastian, you are missing out on all MY awesomeness. (Rolls eyes savagely) You may think you love her but, I'm totally the better option. FYI.

LOL. I couldn’t even type that last line with a straight face.

Sebastian and Mia are probably able to make the skeptical anti-love peeps doubt themselves. I am prolove so I fell for them like a cheap house of cards. These doctors are going to manipulate your heartstrings like pros...(doctors...duh!)

Enjoy you quick and unstoppable descent into happiness and bliss. Just be careful it's over too quickly!