A review by qu33nofbookz
Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs


This was long and drawn out with way too many deaths then necessary to look into. Also I know that working with the police makes you think you are above a few of the rules but getting an eyeball on your car as a threat and then not telling the police, your partners is insane. Also going into a dangerous situation with out backup or telling anyone where you are going to find someone you think might be there, well yes you were just asking for it. For how smart the main character is she is pretty clueless. Thank you for also pointing out that all bikers are the scum of the earth, are violent and mean to everyone, and use cuss words in every sentence. And yes all the police and crime workers are all so polite and well mannered. Also I understand that most of this story takes place in Canada were yes they do speak a lot of french but make up your mind on what language you are writing your book in and that not everyone speaks french. Some of the conversations are assumed to be in french because the author tells us so, mentioning that they spoke in whatever french dialect they use but then there are french words and sentences peppered throughout. Some place names are translated some are not and the ones that aren't half are then explained in English, if you are going to tell us what it is in English you don't need the french, it's unnecessary. On top of that they didn't even solve the major crime. It was theorized and then someone else took care of some of it and everything was wrapped up and told to the main characters. We don't even know if it's true so....yes no real end. Also the formula that there must be someone personally/closely connected to the main character in danger is getting tedious, I hope it doesn't continue in the next book. Lastly we don't need to know everything the main character eats and that also everything she eats is microwaved or every road and way she takes to get from point A to point B.