A review by purrfectpages
Infinite in Between by Carolyn Mackler


This book was alright, but somehow I was expecting more. I was drawn in by the premise that otherwise unconnected people were drawn together because of a freshman assignment. I figured that they would be in each other's lives throughout the four years and we'd get to witness the dynamics develop between this core group. In some ways this did happen, but not in the way I expected.

Instead, each chapter was devoted to each member of this group, but for most of their high school tenure, these chapters were in isolation. Sure, Gregor was in love with Whitney from afar, and even Mia was obsessed a bit with her. But none of them really connected until senior year. At that point it felt a bit forced and false. I would have liked to see them intersect more because of being thrown together in the beginning of the book, but that was not the case. In fact, my least favorite moment was probably when Whitney called Mia to say she got into college. Besides a passing conversation at the pharmacy, there was NO reason for this phone call. It's something small, but it's moments like this that irked me.

In some ways I feel like a sucker. I was drawn in by the uniqueness of the premise and how it would all play out. And kudos to author Carolyn Mackler for reeling me in. But all in all, Infinite in Between was infinitely predictable.