A review by merlin_reads
Extasia by Claire Legrand



 So this book threw me for a loop. I honestly went into not really knowing what to expect. I feel like this book wasn't promoted as well as her other books. I found it by accident in the bookstore one day. But I am glad I did.

Imagine living in a patriarchal village where four girls get chosen as saints by "God". They remain saints until the have their first bleed (aka period) because then they are tainted and can no longer be pure, so they are replaced with the next girl who's name is whispered to the elders. The girls are chosen to hear the confessions of the townspeople - however the confessions aren't what you think confessions are. Here, the townspeople are free to do what they want to the saints as this apparently brings them closer to Gods love. When Amity is chosen as a Saint, she thinks it's everything she's ever wanted and a way to help the town move past the sins of her mother. But along the way, her eyes are opened to the darkness surrounding their village and the lies that were told to keep them in line.

This book was violent. Legrand holds nothing back when she describes the abuse these girls go through or the murders that happen. It honestly felt gratuitous at times but yet it added to the dark tones of this book and really helped sink you into this world.

I would like to say that I was blown away by the twist at the end but alas, I don't know if it's because I've seen so many horror stories, but I had guessed the big reveal from the first chapter. But while i knew where it was heading, I was extremely sucked in to see how it would be revealed. I wanted the history of how this village came to be.

This book shows the darkness in people and what they choose to do with it. It also shows the strength that one can hold inside of them while being constantly beaten down. The ending was very open ended, but also hinted that there could be more to tell in this world. I haven't seen any hints of a sequel but I do hope Legrand expands on this world because so much was revealed that I want to know more about. 

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