A review by a_h_haga
Blood Trade by Faith Hunter



When I listened to this book the first time, I was extremely triggered by Charlie. That wasn't as bad this time around, because I knew she would be there.
The story in this book is also one of the ones I remember the best from this whole series. Not the details, but the conclusion.
But all those things considered, I'm bumping this book down a star. I can't explain why, but I just wasn't as sucked into this one as with the other books. May be timing, or the lack of certain characters or the uncertainty between characters involved, but I just felt like I was on the outside the whole time.

New rating: 3/5 stars

Listened to as audiobook in 2017

As you might have seen with my updates on this book, I had some problems with it.
Not with the book on its own, but with one of the characters, that triggered a lot of emotion in me.

Other than that its a good book.
I'm glad we got to see how it all fits together in this one - on that regard, Hunter is a good storyteller! - and I also liked that we got some more witchy powers.
I'm a fan of witches, after all.

Rating: 4/5