A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Parting Worlds by Kaitlyn Davis


Reading physical books, ever since I have a special to be read bookcase, is much more satisfying. I see that case emptying, I see that my books are moving. And yet, I really wanted to read this last e-book in the Once Upon a Curse series as soon as possible! This series quite easily stole my heart and even though I am kinda said that this was the last book, although there is some room for more, I enjoyed the ride from start to finish.

Davis writes the way I wanna write and the way I wanna read. Her stories are driven by emotions and the focus is on what the characters are feeling, what they are going through and what they are learning. That means that action wise not that much is happening in the books and yet I never grow bored. Because everything the characters feel, I feel too and in the end, when all is said and done and all lessons are learned, I always feel that tear rolling down my cheek.

And that also happened in this book, even though Aerewyn and I are completely different people. Everything I would never do, Aerewyn does. I can so imagine that people around her get annoyed by her constant longing for adventure, for breaking the rules. And yet, her journey and all the challenges she faced, it did move me in the end. The lessons she learned were so beautiful and I think the price she paid for her recklessness was incredibly high. It makes her story heartbreaking and heartwarming at once.

That's also because Davis created a wonderful world and mythology and in this final book the last pieces fall into place too. Everything works. Everything is so well thought out. All the details really make sense. And even though these books are fairytale retellings, the elements of the fairytales are used so creatively and originally that the stories feel incredibly fresh and new.

I'm gonna miss this amazing dystopian fairytale world. I'm gonna miss all those characters. And maybe a part of me will keep on hoping that one day Davis returns to this world and decides to tell us just a few more stories.