A review by jensebring
Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano


TOTAL: 3.5 ☆'s

Initial Rating Upon Finishing: 3.65 ☆'s
Likelihood to Recommend: 3 ☆'s
Desire to Read When Not Reading: 3.25 ☆'s
Writing Style: 4.5 ☆'s
Plot/Structiure Engagement: 3.25 ☆'s
Character Likability/Relatability: 3.25 ☆'s

Ann’s writing is so easy to follow and engage with. At times, I found myself rereading very quotable lines and feeling deep empathy for the characters. I shed a few tears at the end. With that being said, I found myself not wanting to read for a good few days near the middle. The plot twists were too predictable for me. I felt very annoyed with some of the characters choices and how they seemed to jump out of nowhere. The juxtaposition between William and Julia’s characters made sense for their relationship journey, but i found myself not liking either of them at times because of the extreme and abrupt decisions they seemed to selfishly make. Either way, I would definitely read this author again.