A review by erikachung182
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


This was a wonderful read!!

It had everything I wanted in it: strong character development, amazing world building, great pacing with the narrative development, and of course, plenty of (80s) pop culture references along with political/economical themes!

I really wish I read this back in the fall of 2014 when I was taking a course called "Intersections of Bodies and Technologies" at uni, because this just about covered all the major concepts and issues discussed in class. (It would have also made for a much better midterm grade assignment since I got to pick the topic myself).

Anyway, clearly I'm "nerd-ing" out.

Basically, this is a scifi novel that's not too outrageously in the future, and we can clearly see how our present day issues with politics, corporations, economics and the environment can (sort of) play out. But I also loved the more human/personal character insight into Wade (the main character), such as coming to terms of himself, his body, and his life. But on top of all these things, there was amazing action sequences! Holy smokes! I think the movie adaptation will be really interesting, and even dare I say good since Steven Speilpberg is gonna be directing it!

Overall, definitely worth reading (not check out - read)! Even if you're not big into scifi, or you're looking for a place to start reading scifi, I think this would be a good place to start.