A review by dgonzo
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer


2.5. This is an important book and definitely not a fun one to read, however, that’s not why my opinion of it suffered. The arguments made here are again important, confronting in a way that truly does make you think about how your individual actions impacts the collective or at least all of that is true for about 60% of the book if it had stopped there this would’ve been a 4- 5 star read. Instead it devolves into a hypothetical conversation with himself restating the same things over and over again in a way that takes away from the initial well crafted argument, when I finished the book instead of thinking about my impact on the world I was thinking about how awful the last half of the book was and in my opinion that self indulgence hurts the message and purpose of the book.