A review by literaryanna
Afterlife by Claudia Gray


My Review: So being that this is the final book (I think?!) in the Evernight series, I was hoping it would bring a nice close to things, although I don't really think there were any cliffhanging moments throughout the series (At least not that I can remember...). Overall I was never too thrilled with this series, but the books are definitely quick reads and they're interesting enough for me to read them all.

What I Didn't Like: The whole thing was pretty slow, there were some action packed moments but they lasted only a couple pages and then it just moved on to Lucas moping about his undead state and Bianca wandering the halls as a body-less wraith. Finally within the last 50 pages or so everything picked up and provided a good ending. Also, all the time I'm thinking, why couldn't Bianca be smart and become a vampire and live happily ever after with Balthazar who sounds so dreamy I could cry. Lucas is just whatever to me now. I also got really sick of them constantly trying to have sex and then having it not work out. I really just got annoyed with everything.

What I Did Like: This series has always been different from other vampire books, which I really like. However, this one isn't a vampire trying to be with a human, this one is a vampire trying to be with a human, then dying and becoming a ghost and then the human becomes a vampire and then they try to be together. *breath*. I love the different characters too: Vic, the lovable but goofy best friend; Balthazar, the disgustingly HAWT other guy who then befriends the boyfriend... and also fences; Patrice, the girly girl who can fight her way out of anything without breaking a nail; and Ranulf, the oldest vampire of them all who's just trying to deal with modern day. I loved all of these guys and they constantly made me laugh and were all so loyal to each other. I wish the story focused more on them, because I loved reading about all the other great characters more than Bianca and Lucas.

Overall this was a pretty good ending to a pretty good series.