A review by libralita
The Way of Kings, Part Two by Brandon Sanderson


I did it! I finally did it! I finished this massive book! Stormit it took forever, but I did really enjoy it.

This book starts off throwing you right into middle of what’s going on. I was really confused the first 100 pages more or less but after a while I started to understand.

So there’s a prologue to this about I think the Knights Radiance abounding mankind and then it jumps forward 4500 years later. A rather short time jump. Any way, then there’s the’s the assassination of King Gavilar. Starting a war between his people and the Parshendi.

Side note: there’s these drawings which are really cool.

“‘What was that for?’ the windspren said, walking up to him, head cocked.
‘I almost find myself liking him,’ Kaladin said, pounding his head against the cage.
‘But…after what he did…’
Kaladin shrugged. ‘I didn’t say Tvlakv isn’t a bastard. He’s just a likeable bastard.’ He hesitated, then grimaced. ‘Those are the worst kind. When you kill them, you end up feeling guilty for it.’”—Page 72

When you read a book and your favorite character is an asshole.

Hearing Sanderson describe how Shallan draws was beautiful.

“‘No, Ardent,’ she said, still standing.
‘Still so formal,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘Tell me, am I so intimidating as that?’
‘I have been brought up to show respect to ardents.’
‘Well, I myself find that respect is like manure. Use it where needed, and growth will flourish. Spread it on too thick, and things just start to smell.’ His eyes twinkled.”—Page 123

We meet Kabsal who will later on break my heart.

Bridge work sounds awful.

Syl is so cute, glad Kal didn’t kill himself.

So Shallan’s brother is going to be a serial killer, good to know.

So the Wit is a person who’s entire purpose is to say nasty, sassy things for the king. That’s beautiful.

Poor Young Kal getting his ass kicked.

Ati! That’s the guy who became Ruin. He use to be nice? Weird.

I haven’t mentioned it but I find the idea of callings kinda interesting.

“‘What’s your real name, then?’ Teft asked.
‘You won’t be able to say it.’
Teft raised an eyebrow.
‘Numuhukumakiaki’aialunamor,’ Rock said.”—Page 350

Sanderson, you bastard.

Dammit I love the Wit that would be the greatest job in the world.

Elhokar just appointed Sadeas as Highprince of Information. He needs his own Tindywl to kick his kingly put into shape. I’m sure his mother will do.

“The short, wiry bridgeman had said his name was Skar”—Page 372

Be prepared.

“‘But there. You now know my story. Brightlord Sadeas, he wasn’t certain what he should do with most of us. Some were made soldiers, others serve in his household. I fixed him one meal and eh sent me to bridge crew.’ Rock hesitated. ‘I may have, uh, enhanced the soup.’
‘Enhanced?’ Kaladin asked, raising an eyebrow.
Rock seemed to grow embarrassed. ‘You see, I was quite angry about my nuatoma’s death. And I thought, these lowlanders, their tongues are all scorched and burned by the food they eat. They have no taste, and…’
‘And what?’ Kaladin asked.
‘Chull dung,’ Rock said. ‘It apparently has stronger taste than I assumed.’”—Page 381

Found my new favorite character.

Kal’s parents are adorable.

“‘She wanted to come into battle?’
Adolin shrugged. ‘Says she’s curious.’
Dalinar said nothing. Battle was a masculine art. A woman wanting to come to the battlefield was like…well, like a man wanting to read. Unnatural.”—Page 409

I’m sure Elend Venture would hate this world.

Kal is making the bridgemen happy! It makes me happy.

Grass not moving, how strange.

Axis is interesting.

“‘But, what is right and wrong, you’ve…Well, you’ve discarded that.’
‘Just because I do not accept the teachings of the devotaries does not mean I’ve discarded a belief in right and wrong.’
‘But the Almighty determines what is right!’
‘Must someone, some unseen thing, declare what is right for it to be right? I believe that my own morality – which answers only to my heart – is more sure and true than the morality of those who do right only because they fear retribution.’
‘But that is the soul of law,’ the king said, sounding confused. ‘If there is no punishment, there can be only chaos.’
‘If there were no law, some men would do as they wish, yes’ Jasnah said. ‘But isn’t it remarkable that, given the chance for personal gain at the cost of others, so many people choose what is right?’”—Page 511-512

Thank you, Sanderson for understanding Atheists can be moral.

Ooo, Gaz’s perspective!

I like Lopen.

Kal just caused a bunch of chaos and now he’s being beaten.

I adore Kabsal, please don’t die or turn into a villain (Oh, how naïve I was).

I hope my philosophy class will be as interesting as Jasnah’s.

Jasnah totally knows, she’s too smart for this (Wrong past me).

Part 2:

So Roshone is a dick and so is his son Rillir are a bunch of dicks. Also so is Laral. A few years with a bunch of light eyes and she pretends that she doesn’t know Kal.

Aw, Kal’s father actually did steal the spheres…

Kal can suck Stormlight for energy and Teff knows something about it.

Kal seems to be suicidal again but Bridge 4 is so happy, they give Rock a razor and they’re all family.

Oh, I am so sad that Rillir is hurt. I’m so sad that Rillir died.

So the new leader of the bridge crews comes and his wife is a bitch, she makes Bridge 4 do chasm duty. I feel like that’s going to bite them in the ass because now they can explore the chasm and possibly find a way out.

Kal hasn’t realized that he’s probably god, but he does get out of his slump to try one last time to escape with Bridge 4.

We flash back to what actually happened to Tien. So becauase Roshone is a dick he writes a list of volunteers and Tien is on that list. But Kal volunteers as tribute, Tien still has to go and will die but Kal is determined to protect him. I wonder where Kal’s parents are in the present day. I hope they’re okay.

I don’t know how to feel about Sigzil.

Adolin saved a prostitute!

Aw, Jasnah is trying to apologize.

Well, I’d forgive someone driving me to suicide if they gave me bread.

Well Kabsal was evil and he died. That’s just great.

Jasnah is so mad at Shallan…

Hoid is the Wit!

Wow, Sadeas was kind to Dalinar, weird and now they’re working together. Now they’re going to become friends!

Kal figured out he can suck Stormlight and now he’s met Hoid.

Sigzil knows Hoid, weird.

Navani and Dalinar finally kissed.

Sadeas is a mother fucking bastard. When be betrayed Dalinar and his army, I felt physically hurt. I trusted you Sadeas and you do this? You bastard.

But at least Kal goes back and saves them! Now Dalinar and Kal can work together!

Syl is the spren of honor, ay? I’m guess Zuko had a lot of those.

Shallan killed her father, holy shit.

Yay! Shallan and Jasnah friendship is back on! Now they’re going to where Dalinar and Kal are! Everyone is finally meeting up!

Nooo Szeth is going to kill the kindly old king—wait a minute, the old king Szeth’s master? And he’s doing evil things? Brandon, why do you feel the need to hurt me so? Now Szeth is gonna kill Dalinar!

Y’know just sticking a finger down Shallan’s throat would have worked just fine.

“Opposite sides of a card” lol because they don’t have coins.


Dalinar and Kal are gonna work together! Yay!

Gods dying is so passé, really.

Well that was weird but I liked it!