A review by cburgbennett
Keep Holding on by Susane Colasanti


This book was amazing. Usually I pick up Miss Colasanti's books because they are easy to read and give my mind a break from some of the 'deeper' or action-packed reading that I do. This book was a SHOCK. I did not expect this book to be so heartfelt and deep and amazing and touching and so many other things. It made me cry multiple times. This book is something that everyone needs to read.

Bullying is NEVER okay. I felt so bad for the main character. She struggled everyday. She sat alone at lunch. People outright made fun of her hair and clothes and the lunches that she brought. It was heartbreaking. I can't believe some people can be SO mean. The amount of neglect Noelle had to go through with her mother made me sick. It was hard to read. The people doing the bullying disgusted me. They were violent and targeted people that were shy or poor or nerdy. They never chose someone that was like them. And that's what bullies do. Pick on someone smaller than them.

I really liked that even though Noelle felt completely alone there were people that cared about her A LOT. She had great friends, even if she didn't have a ton of them. The ones she had truly cared about her.

(Julian sounded super attractive. Any guy that can pull of glasses is fine by me. And he was also the sweetest guy ever.)

This was definitely one of my favorite reads this year. I HIGHLY recommend this book.