A review by jugglingpup
Beauty's Kingdom by A.N. Roquelaure


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Ah, so I fell into the trap of reading the fourth book in a trilogy and one that was written a decade after the third book. It is my fault I had to experience this piece of trash. I wish I was being harsh. I enjoy ripping books to shreds, but this book may just be one of the worst things I have ever read. I have never called a book trash before, unless I was describing the genre or a character as trashy. This book is just utter trash.

So this picks up years after the third one. The queen dies and gives the kingdom to Beauty and her partner that never made sense to me anyway. Cool idea, gets everyone back to the kingdom. Except this plot takes the first chunk of the book to even really get going. It was told from alternating points of view of random people. If an erotica needs 100 pages to set it up, you are doing something wrong. The sex scenes are really plain and boring. They are no longer innovative or all that scandalous. They are tired and already done ideas from the first two books. This book is pretty much spanking and pony play. If you liked the first two books, then you have already read all the even remotely interesting parts of this book a dozen times.

The second section details everyone coming back to the court and all the changes. Again, if you have to spend 100 pages setting up an erotica you are doing something wrong. There were so many flashbacks to scenes that were in the first three books that this section can just be skipped for the most part. Nothing is all that exciting. There is nothing to hold my interest in this section that hasn’t already been done and done better.

The third section is why I call this book trash. The last four chapters set up a potential spin-off series or another sequel (I really hope not). There is a chapter that I can only say is the most transphobic wreck I have ever seen and considering people have attempted to kill me for being trans, it is really bad. Just no. The ending was boring, it wasn’t worth reading as many pages as I had to to get there. I only finished because I was hoping that maybe it was me. It wasn’t me.

I have read other books by Rice. I have generally hated them all. They are overly written and really dull. This book fell into that category. It was like she wrote this for her vampire series. It is not part of this series and should never have been written. If you need to rehash sex scenes from the previous three books OVER AND OVER again, then you are out of material and should have stopped instead of forcing a fourth book on us It is supposedly supposed to be a standalone novel in the series, but unless you have read the first three, then it will be even more difficult to get through as there are constant flash backs and plots of the all of the books are mentioned constantly. If you reference E.L. James in the description you should stop. I have read amazing erotic and I have read terrible erotica. This is the worst.


This book is trash. I can’t say a single good thing about it.