A review by kathhh
Silver Fox: Secret Child Romance Second Chance by Lacey Silks

  • Loveable characters? No


I have so many things to say. But to summarize, I wish I was satisfied with the cliffhanger from the last book. That is much better than the 'plot twists' in this one.

Okay, so ranting from here on so spoilers ahead:

1. I don't understand how she can easily forgive her parents after knowing that her "still born" baby is actually alive and took the baby away.
2. Her claustrophobia wasn't addressed but apparently she was raped and got pregnant because of that. So that's probably the reason why?
3. Tiffany is a shitty character. I don't mind this but I just wanted to rant. And with that she get subpoints:
a. She lied to James that she's the anonymous donor.
b. How can James not notice that she was pregnant (I think he did eventually)? Then when they adopted the baby, he never questioned the credentials and all that. I mean he's an investigator or something for heaven's sake? Also it didn't even occur to him why they got the adoption so fast?
c. She's also a shitty mom because how can her kid ran away and she didn't notice.
d. Also she poked the condom and that's why she got pregnant.
4. Another deserving of a subpoint is James. He's a hypocrite istg.
a. He got mad that Laura didn't tell him that he has a son. BUT THEN doesn't even want to tell her about her own kid because IT'S UNFAIR TO TIFFANY WHO HAS BEEN A MOM FOR 7 YEARS. A mom who bought a kid illegaly, mind you.
b. He's an investigator. If he genuinely loves Laura, he could easily find her. Why blame it on Laura for not calling?
5. I still don't understand how Laura can be so forgiving. She never asked James to apologize for keeping the info and lying about her baby.
6. Why do James' kids are separated during Christmas? The other one is with Tiffany and the other is with James. This is just so weird to me.

Anyway, these are all what I can think of but I'm pretty sure there's more.