A review by cuocuo
House Held Up by Trees by Ted Kooser


Maybe it's because trees are involved but I noticed faint whispers of The Giving Tree.

I didn't enjoy this as much as I felt I should because I kept wondering, "Wait? The father doesn't have a realtor? Didn't he lose a lot of money?" and when I'd turned the last page, "That's it?" I needed a bit more of lesson or a - I don't know - point to the whole thing to make it more meaningful. I understand it's about the bittersweet passage of time but, let's face it, if this is indeed a children's book (and not just an illustrated book for adults), it's not a resonant topic. I'll have to read other people's reviews to see what exactly I missed.

Fans of Klassen's art won't be disappointed. But I much preferred [b:Extra Yarn|12065943|Extra Yarn|Mac Barnett|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1318255506s/12065943.jpg|17033359].