A review by shree_reads
Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom by Matthew Swanson


Imagine, I repeat IMAGINE, that today is the last day of your life. What are the things would you love to accomplish before you breathe your last? I am pretty sure that the list will be long and never ending.

Ben Yokoyama is facing a similar problem - today might be the last day of his life. How did he know? Well, a fortune cookie told him so!
(I have a soft corner for fortune cookies.)

Ben doesn't waste a minute and gets started on his bucket list. He wants to eat a whole cake (that is on my bucket list)- build a 1000-piece model of Taj Mahal and so many more things get a spot on his list. Get ready for a fun and thrilling adventure! This book will not only entertain but also will teach you valuable lessons.

The simple language is perfect for all age groups and the illustrations added a flair to an already great book. Though written for middle grade readers,I enjoyed this book to the fullest. I laughed and cried at the same time. This book was so relatable. The author has beautifully uplifted the innocence, creativity and wild imaginations of a child. Recommended to everyone who loves/loved/will love The Diary of the Wimpy Kid.

//Favourite Quotes//

“live each day as if it were your last.”

“Different. Sometimes different is good. Often it is.”

“….the point is that you figure out the things you really want to do and then just do them as well as you possibly can. So at least you know you tried”

“Everything was different now. Suddenly a lifetime had become a single day.”

"..... because it helps me remember to spend every day doing the things that are most important to me."

“The search for happiness begins with a single step”

“It is literally impossible to save the day while lying on the ground feeling sorry for myself.”
“It’s so wonderful I want to cry”

“I am a successful and self-confident person, but the idea of baking a cake makes me want to scream.”