A review by crowsandprose
I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells


Fans of the Dexter TV show, look no further: Here is your serial killer. Here is your sociopath. Presented in a far better manner than Lindsay's schlocky, wish-fulfillment character Dexter Morgan (who in the books is a shallow mirror of his tv persona) John Wayne Cleaver is a young, dangerous man with tho emotional range of a teaspoon and all the problems that come with it.

I found the character engaging, the writing tight -- though it was short read, it remained an engaging book, which I cannot really say for either of Lindsay's. Yes, it's got an occult angle, but that doesn't attract from the sound character writing behind John. The character's foils and failings are just right, no one is so stupid that they never see the proto-killer in their midst.

My only problem is the relatively neat wrap up of the "Who Did It" and "What Happens To Them" come the end of the book. It's all a little too neat there, but it's a minor flub and I have every faith that Wells will get better in his next book.

So pick these up and put Dexter down. You'll be glad you did.