A review by nerfherder86
Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge by Grace Ellis


This is a cute friendship story that also serves up a possible way that the intrepid reporter Lois Lane might have been inspired to go into journalism, at age 13. Lois as seen here is very very energetic and impulsive, but her interest is in becoming a popular "MeVid" (like YouTube, haha, get it) star. right before her best friend Kristen is going to go away to camp, they stumble upon a mystery: who stole the fireworks for the town's annual fireworks display, that is always one of the girls' friendship rituals? There's also a citywide bike race that they both end up signing up for, though Lois somewhat reluctantly. (A funny gag is that she is always huffing and puffing and slowly riding her bike around, with her cat in a basket on it, so there's no way she would want to RACE a bike.) As shenanigans ensue, you see that Kristen just wants to spend time with Lois, but Lois gets too wrapped up in the mystery and then gets jealous when Kristen befriends a new girl, Izzy. Their older friend, maybe high school or college age?, Henri, works for the local paper and it's through her that the spark is lit in Lois to switch from "detecting" to investigative journalism. It's a little bit farfetched, and I thought Lois acted pretty immaturely for a 13 year old, but, what do I know really about 13 year olds. ;-) It's a cute small-town story of friendship and jealousy. I read this via a digital edition from NetGalley.com