A review by becs_l
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


The action, the humour, the romance, the tension; you know that you are reading Larissa Ione. I love these kickass brothers

´”All I could think of was you.” He moved faster, his palm sliding over her swollen belly to her center, where he found the sensitive knot that tingled under his touch. “When I was gone, all I wanted was to be back here with you. Only you.”´

The Apocalypse is seriously rising in this one. No one is safe. There is betrayal; lots of betrayal. I did not know whom I could trust. The plot was so gripping. All the way through, there was a gradual increase in tension.

Tension. Tension. Tension.

From the beginning you could feel we were heading for a climax.

Action. Action. Action.

Then boom! Oh boy the climax. The last 40 per cent of the book; talk about an emotional roller-coaster. I was swept away. Could not stop reading into the early hours of the morning.

One of the major parts of this book is the discussion of how to defeat Pestilence. Of course, this is a theme since book one. However, Thanatos believes he could be saved instead of just killed. I have wanting to see how this plays out ever since it was suggested.

The main part of the book was Thanatos and his developing son in Regan’s womb. He is going to be a father. I loved his growing affections for this child. When a big burly male, who is surrounded by death (literally), falls head over heels for a small innocent baby… it is a joy to read. Thanatos has built a shield up around himself over the years. To see that slowly begin to crack makes you feel good inside. We got to slowly discover the real Thanatos. Sometimes I just want to hug him.
There were more things to be discovered in this one too; especially surrounding Thanatos’s past and his connection to the vampires. I love the concept here that Larissa Ione has created.

I know this is a slightly shorter review than what I usually write, but what did it for me was the intense action and plot, and the wondrous character of Thanatos. He is by far my favourite horseman. And that ending … can’t wait to get my hands on Book 4. Keep them coming!