A review by rdyourbookcase
Taken by Erin Bowman


So. I have some serious thoughts about this one.

The thing is, it's a good idea for a book. It really is. Where do guys go after the Heist? Why only men? What's the world like beyond Claysoot? Very intriguing and complicated. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but it definitely made me think.

One problem I had was that the teens acted like adults. They may have to grow up more quickly there, but it bothered me a bit. If they're acting like adults, should this book be in the adult section or the teen section?

What bothered me a lot was that the teens had sex with multiple partners throughout their lives in order to procreate, otherwise they would obviously die out - and disease was never mentioned. Ever. Nothing about protection or disease was mentioned once they were out of Claysoot, either. The differences between Claysoot and the outside world were addressed in so many other areas - why not this one?

In Claysoot, sex was such a casual thing for many citizens. People who weren't interested in one specific person were assigned "slatings" with others, and... can you imagine being assigned someone to sleep with?

In this world, do STDs no longer exist? How do you know for sure who the father is? Can you always count on doing the math? Does it even matter who the father is to them? What about gay people? How were they treated? Do they not exist in this society, like STDs? Sex was so casually mentioned and none of the details were addressed. I think in this case that details are important, especially for a teen audience.

That's how I will remember this book, and I don't think that's how the author wanted the book to be remembered. The plot was so complex and interesting, and the setup for book two sounds great. It's well-written and obviously good for discussion.

If you like dystopian books and sociology, you'll find this one interesting.

Let me know what you think about sexuality in this book. Do you agree with me? Am I crazy and just imagining it? Read it and let's discuss!