A review by lookingforamandaa
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada


This Vicious Cure was an excellent finale to a series that I’ve recently decided is a new all-time favorite. I loved everything about it. The characters, the plot, the writing. I’m blown away by Suvada’s storytelling ability.
In this final installment, we follow June Bei and Catarina in their own chapters. I thought this was the perfect way to tell the story. At the end of book two, we’re left wondering what’s happened to both girls and the finale being told this way gives us the answers. I loved that they both have their own different missions and even if they don’t know or are not communicating with one another they are eventually working toward the same thing. It was honestly hard to like June Bei at times. She makes choices I don’t like or agree with but comes around to do the right thing eventually. While Catarina is working toward fixing what June Bei has done the whole time.
So much happens that I honestly don’t even know what to say about all of the supporting characters. I would have liked to see more of Dax, but I still really enjoyed getting to know the rest of the kids that June Bei grew up within the lab. We meet the final one and reunite with Anna. There were secrets exposed and they all blew me away.
Overall, this book was everything I wanted. I definitely want everyone to read this series. So, stop what you’re doing and go pick it up right now.