A review by jaironside
Cast in Sorrow by Michelle Sagara


2.5 stars tbh

And at this point I'm going to take a little break from the series and probably pick up the remaining six books later in the year.

This one lost me. The worldbuildinv is still fantastic but it's yet another Berrani based book and they are super dull. Seriously if you took everything likeable, mystical, skillful or otherwise to do with personality from Tolkien's elves or Star Trek's Vulcans, then you have the Berrani. Ok so thus book is about Teela's traumatic childhood but it still isn't interesting. Kaylin is still wearing THE DRESS from the last book but it's another 600 pages of essentially the same story without any real subplots to alleviate a linear main plot that becomes monotonous way before the end. At one point I realised I kept checking to see how much book was left because I thought it would never end. Clearly I need a break. I suppose the other big annoyance for me was the over explaining. This could have been 200 pages shorter if a) the book hadn't been in love with trying to be clever and b) it hadn't over explained again and again why it was clever. In fact the last three books could have been one 600 page novel imo. There was no need for it to spin out this far. Question: was this book and the previous one woven out of subplot for book 7? Anyway, I'm out for now. Love the lore and the world. Super fed up of linear plots, lack of tension and the Berrani in general.