A review by a_reader_obsessed
151 Days by John Goode


As with all the books in this series, this is about decisions - decisions whether to listen, to be heard, to change. It literally takes only one person to bring about impressive results. However it also takes knowledge, and this showed how vital it is to realize that every situation, motive, or action, always has two sides to its story. Jumping to conclusions can have just as dire consequences as inaction, and it was a tough lesson to learn.

This was also about growth. Kyle may be perfect in his ideas and determination, but he wasn't infallible. His one track mind on righting wrongs was almost too black and white, preventing him from seeing the whole picture and shutting off those people he had originally set out to protect and support. Of course he does come around and he does realize the error of his ways, but Goode is excellent at throwing wrenches into the most obvious of plans.

Here, Brad was able to shine the most. He had goals, he had heart, and though he meticulously planned his future and had it at his fingertips, he once again refused to make any more concessions on who he is and what he wants. I loved that about him.

For some reason, this was the hardest book to get through. Harsh in subject matter, I flinched at the pull no punches attitude. I wanted a 100% fairy tale ending for Kyle, and especially Brad, but real life isn't fair. Yes many things were resolved but they definitely have a tough road ahead. What continues is Goode's message of fostering community through his books, of reaching out to those who may feel alone and hopeless. Despite what may seem like a no-win situation, there is another alternative - you just have to take that first step and speak up.