A review by divapitbull
Angel's Wolf by Nalini Singh


Angel’s Wolf is a little interlude that takes place some time after Book 2 Angel’s Kiss. The vampire Noel - a trusted member of Raphael’s team - who was ambused, horrifically tortured and left for undead in AK has been given a “promotion”. Noel has been assigned to Raphael’s Louisiana territory and to the court of the angel Nimra – she of the iron will and capacity for cruelty untampered by mercy.

Noel of course thinks he’s being put out to pasture. He has recovered physically from his trauma but is not the same vampire at all. He has the vampire equivalent of PTSD and the nightmares and intimacy issues to prove it. But Noel is also more resilient than he gives himself credit for and he certainly bristles when he thinks Nimra plans to use him for a brainless boy toy. However Nimra breaks it down for him, and explains that while everyone in her court thinks Noel was sent to her because he’s broken and she needs a new toy; in reality Raphael sent Noel because a delicate situation has developed and Nimra is in need of someone who’s loyalty is beyond question. Noel protests that “I’m afraid I’ll never be able to pull off being a poodle” and Nimra reassures him that “Very well then. You may be a wolf on a long leash”.

Nimra despite being a formidable angel with a nasty (although not *entirely* earned) reputation; carries her own sadness and pain. Angel’s Wolf is a short, little story of hurt and comfort and healing as Noel and Nimra confront their fears and take a chance on each other. Noel understands that to be in a relationship with a powerful ruling angel, he must be seen as strong but never usurping or over-stepping. Does the former broken vampire have what it takes to become an angel’s consort?