A review by constantreader471
The Rule of Law by John Lescroart


A solid 4 stars.
Another taut thriller from John Lescroart. The bad guys are revealed early on, so the book is more of a thriller than a mystery. This book resolves murders that took place in a stand alone by Lescroart, Fatal, and I urge you to read that before this book. This is book 18 in the series and they work better if read in order, although I have not done that.
I can't reveal too much about the plot, without spoilers to Fatal. The book revolves around a nasty feud between the District Attorney, Ron Jameson, and Dismas Hardy, a lawyer and friend of Wes Farrell. Farrell was Jameson's opponent in the election and Jameson is out for revenge. I did not expect the ending.
Some other characters who play a role in the book:
Abe Glitsky, retired San Francisco PD Chief of Detectives
Chet Greene DA investigator
Beth Tully, SFPD detective
Some quotes:
"Which meant that both of them, husband and wife, were killers.
And after you murder someone, life is never the same."
"Lawyers looking for fun" Glitsky said. There's something you don't hear everyday."
Thank You Tasha Hilton at Atria Books for sending this book through NetGalley