A review by faeriesparks
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic


reread May 2016: Rereading this was amazing. I caught on to so many new things and appreciated characters in a whole new way.

I started seeing this book mentioned on my tumblr dashboard a lot and I was quite intrigued by it. Since the first book is free to download I thought 'why the hell not' and downloaded it.
I started reading it and I was so confused, mostly by the characters. Not the characters themselves (well a little bit) but more the dynamics between them. I had such a hard time figuring them out. But then all of the sudden I was so invested and got so attached to them and things started making sense a bit more.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm still a bit confused about a few things, like some of the backstory and the fictional sport Exy but I don't even care because I love the characters so much.
After finishing this book I immediately bought the second one and started reading it.