A review by lpcowling
Heretic Spellblade by K.D. Robertson


This book took me by surprise in the best way. It was so fun, I cleared everything else off my currently reading, or tbr, to focus on this instead, after only reading a few chapters.

I had not really read anything in the specific genre of harem fantasy before, so I wasn't expecting the depth that this book, and I assume the series, has. There is a brilliantly clever, and well explained, hard-magic system, there are deep characters, there is a genuine history and lore. I suppose I was a bit ignorant in not expecting great fantasy world-building given the harem genre, but I was wrong!

The action sequences are thrilling, plenty of awesome but balanced spells, weapons and systems. It's genuinely clever. There's plenty of diversity when it comes to the cast outside the harem, and the plot-line doesn't feel like a feel vehicle for simply engaging the genre, but for genuinely telling a good story, and adding those harem elements naturally within that overarching story.

I do have a few criticisms though, despite how much I enjoy the book, and how much it surprised me in its quality:

First is the naming of characters.
Naming of events and places is great, and they feel like a genuine fantasy world. Naming of characters, not so much. They either feel much too modern, or much too nonsensical, or are either so closely similar to another character, that sometimes they can get a bit lost on the page.

Second is the cast diversity that surrounds the MC.
There is brilliant diversity in the world, but those central to the protagonist, are too similar for my liking. They are all young, simply put. I understand the time-travel plot-line enables this, but I must ask why. Youth is not every readers desire. And why not have a more diverse cast, that coves both ends of the age spectrum, if you're playing it safe. It's a small complaint, but it occurred to me enough to mention it here, some people don't prefer youth, and that is a detractor here.

Those few points aside, the book genuinely is really fun. The spells and their systems really do create a lot of interest, for me personally, and I was genuinely surprised how well written the over-arching story was - enough that I have already purchased the second book to find out what happens!