A review by ljwrites85
The Blood of Kings by Angela King


Now I haven’t read much historical fiction bar a few cozy mysteries set in the Victorian times, so this was completely new ground for me.
It’s set in Elizabethan England at the beginning of Elizabeth I’s reign just after Mary Queen of Scots has died. If, like me, your only knowledge of Tudor times is some vague memory from Primary school then you might have a bit of trouble getting to grips with this setting like I did.
It also has quite a large cast of characters too which I found a little hard to keep track of and the language was a little difficult to read so I often had to go back and re-read passages. I think it could have also benefited from a glossary.
But I absolutely loved the headstrong and fearless Aalia, she was definitely all you want in a heroine. Also some of the action scenes were fantastic, my favourite being when Aalia saves the young Queen Elizabeth from a church collapsing on her.
Overall I think this is the kind of book you have to sit down, concentrate, while you are transported back in time to another era.