A review by ken_bookhermit
The Portable Walt Whitman by Walt Whitman


Michael Warner's introduction to this text was informative - even persuasive in pushing me to read the text itself. And I'm glad I did. I read Walt Whitman before - for school, but even then it was only certain sections of Leaves of Grass. But something about this recent act of reading, more in the slant of the personal than the academic that touched me more than usual.

The most crucial, touching aspect of Walt's poetic theme is that:

Divine I am, inside and out, and I make holy whatever I touch or
am touched from...
This head is more than churches or bibles or creeds.

And he's right. He sets out to convince the world that one does not need salvation (and perhaps, I am easily persuaded because I am just looking for someone to tell me what I want to hear).

Then when he said:

Yourself! yourself! yourself, for ever and ever!

Maybe I've just been really touchy, a bundle of frayed nerves, but this line got to me for no reason other than the celebration of the sufficient self.