A review by lolasreviews
The Anatomy of Prose: 12 Steps to Sensational Sentences by Sacha Black


After reading the Side Characters book by this author I decided I wanted to read more of her books and bought this one. I really enjoyed The Anatomy of Prose. I like how the author doesn't tell you what to do, instead she encourages authors to find their own voice and preferences. She explains lots of craft related techniques and how to use them and then leaves it up to the reader to decide how to actually use them. I liked this approach and focus on how there isn't one good way and also how she gives information and asks questions so you can decide what is appropriate for the scene you're writing.

I think there is a lot of great information in this book and plenty of examples so you really understand the concepts she's talking about. I found it easy and pleasant to read as well. I would definitely recommend this one if you want to learn more about the writing craft and prose.