A review by cohencottage
Autumn Skies by Denise Hunter

This is somewhat a review of this book... but it is also a review of the audiobook which I did not like. So, I'm not going to rate this book, because I feel like it would be unfair.

I don't know what it is, but I can't stand when a woman does a weird man voice for the main character. It's just annoying. And then you have to endure it for the entire book. I kept thinking I would adjust to it, but I didn't. I feel I would have enjoyed the book ALOT more if it had not been in audio format.

The story was a great story. I love the plot premise. The cozy mystery/suspense/romance themes were awesome. I did see the plot twist coming, but I really enjoyed watching it unfold. However, the ending of this felt more like an epilogue than an ending. And then there was an EPILOGUE... that I did not finish. But again... the audio was so difficult to press through.

This is my first book by Denise Hunter. I actually think she's a very good writer. This just wasn't my thing. And again, it likely could be because of the audio version.

I would try another book of hers, but I don't think I will do one from this series. I didn't realize I was reading this out of order. And that's really not a big deal, because I do think you can read this book without having read the others. She does a very good job of filling in the missing details. I just was so scarred by this audio version that I must get very far away.