A review by lizshayne
Mahimata by Rati Mehrotra


I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. The first one was really good and the second one didn't quite deliver on what I wanted.
In part, I'm just tired of YA novels about how the heroine needs to do things alone and carry all the burdens until she finally learns not to. Yes, it's a good message, but would it utterly destroy the genre to have a heroine start out with "look, friends, I need your help."
Also, the most interesting part by far was the aliens and the weird tech and what the heck is going on anyway and we did not get enough answers at all. I love long dead civilizations and the world is weirder than we knew and there was way too much pining and nowhere near enough research.
(Another review that can be summed up with "this YA novel conformed too much to the genre". Meh.)