A review by kidisitor
Inked Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


This is a fast paced story. A fast paced romance. A hate romance almost. :D The youngest of the Collins crew (albeit a cousin and not a sibling,) Harlow is tough as nails. As bada$$ as a girl can get. Who could be more perfect for her than a MMA champion fighter. Together they spar and together the sparks fly. The steam is off the charts. We're talking the angry kind of sexual relations. Everything (including their relationship) is hard and fast. Cole Miller is one of those guys whose bark is almost worse than his bite. But he isn't a pushover. He just has a heart under all those tats and that fighter persona. You will recognize most of the characters if you've read any of the other books in the Cocky Suits Chicago series. Each is a stand alone, but the characters are all inter-related (the men are brothers, except this book... Cole is a good friend of the boys.) This is definitely a hot read, as most (not all, but most) of their attraction is sexual, but there is an underlining dilemma or two that plays a part in hindering them from taking things further. Despite the story being primarily hard and fast, there are some softer moments throughout. My one complaint, is that I kept waiting for more depth to their relationship, but it never really came. Don't get me wrong, there were some deeper moments they shared, but not what I was expecting, so it felt as if the sexual attraction was all they had. It reads easily. It alternates between POVs. Obviously, this is intended for mature readers.

*I received an ARC of this book.