A review by jane_kelsey
One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence


In the winter of 1986, Nick Hayes is 15 years old and find out he has cancer, but things don’t end here because stranger things are happening. Not only having to cope with the reality of his diagnosis, but Nick and his D&D friends have to find a way to solve an impossible mystery and save the girl.

I honestly don’t even know where to start from because this book is so wholesome and sweet and funny. I had a fabulous time reading this and have felt sadness, anger, happiness, laughter all whilst reading One word kill.

Nick has a lot to deal with giving his cancer diagnosis, but what I liked about him that he has the resilience and the capacity to continue to laugh and enjoy life. John, Simon, Elton and Nick’s friendship is was so pure, and when Mia joins their little D&D group things do chance, but the direction in which it went it was so adorable and sweet; needless to say, made me think that I missed out on D&D and maybe I should rectify that.

The plot was entertaining and kept me on my toes the whole time. The writing is recognisable as Mark Lawrence… dark, gritty and full of dark humour. The storyline although easy to follow, it had complex elements of physics and mathematics that should’ve confused my brain, but it was very easy to follow and understand even for the uninitiated like me.

I absolutely loved the blend of fantastical and SF elements in this novel and I cannot wait for the sequel: Limited wish due for release on the 6th of June 2019. This year sounds like an amazing year to me already!

One word kill is described as Ready Player One meets Stranger things and I totally agree but do not let that fool you – it’s mainly a guide because One word kill is it’s own beast. There have been many years since I felt so many emotions when reading a book and I devoured this in a few days.

4h 14min of reading time and I am left with so many feels and things to think about. I loved everything about his book.